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Top 5 Articles of 2022
Engineering stories of 2022 covered a wide range of topics in which mechanical engineers worked to find solutions.
2022 saw society pulling itself from the pandemic, shaking off isolation and re-engaging on a personal level. Engineers made their way back to their workplaces, developing new tools and solutions over a wide range of industries. Our writers and editors worked to bring many of those developments to our readers’ attention.
Digital twins became a common theme, as they moved from product development to tools in planning smart cities and climate change. Factories began working with more robust 5G networks, and researchers found promise in a new field of necrobotics, using biotic materials for robotics applications. New coatings to prevent infections from medical devices were successfully tested, and engineers used Pamplona’s running of the bulls to study crowd behavior that may lead to better modeling of urban pedestrian movements.
These are only a few of the topics presented over the year. Take a look at the year’s top articles shown below.
Digital Twins for the Future of Climate Change
How the Running of the Bulls May Aid Evacuations
5G Pilot to Test Factory of the Future Concept
Dead Spiders as Grippers for Micro-Assembly Tasks
New Surface Coating for Medical Devices Prevents Hospital Infections


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