March 11-13: ASME’s Nuclear Engineering Division to Host First Small Modular and Micro Reactor Summit

March 11-13: ASME’s Nuclear Engineering Division to Host First Small Modular and Micro Reactor Summit

ASME’s Nuclear Engineering Division will host its first Small Modular and Micro Reactor Summit (SMMR) from March 11-13 in Silver Spring, Maryland. The summit aims to connect attendees to exchange ideas and establish strategic relationships. Those interested in learning more about the inner workings some of the newest reactor designs and hearing from experts regarding the latest advances in design, material, and fabrication of SMMR’s, as well as licensing requirements, are invited to register. Additionally, this information source business to-business conference will provide the opportunity for executive leaders in the SMMR nuclear technology industries to network with utility, regulatory, and financial organizations.

Why attend?

  • Get a better understanding of the design nuances that are being used to ensure safe operation under all conditions and what exactly makes these reactors a fascinating new twist on a century old technology.
  • Meet leaders across the entire technology chain and take an active role in moving this advanced source of 24 hour a day, 365 days a year energy source from concept to reality.
  • Learn about the skill sets and technologies needed to establish a presence for you and your organization in the SMMR supply chain. Network with decision makers who will be looking for strategic partners to help advance their stake in this part of the clean energy market.
  • Understand the inner workings of some of the newest reactor designs and latest developments in the nuclear fuels that will power these miniature workhorses.
  • Gain insight into what new materials are required to implement these advanced technologies.
  • Hear from the experts about how to request and develop ASME Codes and Code Cases that are needed for the materials and processes that will make these new reactors a reality.
  • Gain greater knowledge of the transportation and siting requirements that are unique to small, mini, and micro reactors.
  • Access experts to hear about the latest advances in design, materials, and fabrication of SMMR’s and their licensing requirements.
  • Position yourself to be a part of the future design and supply chain in the SMMR market. The time is now.

SMMR Tracks:

  • Small Modular Reactors
  • Micro Reactors
  • Nuclear Codes and Standards
  • Nuclear Regulations
  • Operations and Maintenance
  • Nuclear Economics
  • Supply Chain

To register for the event and more information visit:

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