Top 5 Podcasts of 2021
The ASME  Techcast series is now in its third year and gaining in popularity. Our discussions cover a wide range of industry topics and issues, including advances in additive manufacturing, alternative energy and fuels, digital twins and the workforce. The most well received was at the beginning of 2021, a conversation with Dragos Maciuca, executive technical director at Ford’s Research and Innovation Center, on using artificial intelligence in the development of autonomous vehicles. That was followed, a bit later in the year, with Jeff Winters, chief editor of Mechanical Engineering, talking with Jeffrey Goldmeer, emergent technology director for decarbonization at GE Gas Power, on advances that may allow hydrogen to replace natural gas in powerplants.

Workforce issues were a popular topic as the COVID-19 pandemic stretched into its second year. One ASME podcast that struck a chord with viewers was a conversation with Nadar Mowlaee, founder of Engineer Your Mission, on the importance soft skills have in helping engineers succeed in their careers. In a conversation that touched on the rapid application of wind power and additive manufacturing, GE Renewable Energy’s Matteo Bellucci talked about the impact AM is now having on development of wind systems.

Sales of electric vehicles began to take off during 2021, and our podcast with Bloomberg NEF’s Nick Albanese and Milo Boers covered their outlook on the EV industry, and how shared auto-mobility, battery manufacturing, and automomous driving will change in the coming years.

These are a snapshot of 2021’s ASME Techcasts. Many more are available on the player of your choice.

AI Advances in Automotive

The Promise of Hydrogen

How Soft Skills Help Engineers Succeed in Careers

Wind Energy Looks to Additive Manufacturing

Bloomberg NEF's Outlook on the Electric Vehicle Industry

John Kosowatz is senior editor.

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