3-D Printing Economic Benefits Are Too Big to Ignore

A comprehensive analysis was recently completed by A.T. Kearney in cooperation with Penn State University’s Center for Innovative Materials Processing Through Direct Digital Deposition (CIMP-3D) on the topic of 3D printing. The analysis finds that 3D printing is allowing for the rapid development of prototypes and for the manufacturing of low-volume, high-value parts where customization and time-to-market are key value drivers. 96 percent of the 100 executives with specialized knowledge of 3D printing asked to participate in the study believe that 3D printing has the potential to promote onshoring of manufacturing.

With implications that millions of jobs and billions in economic benefits could be gained by advancements in this technology, the authors suggest accelerating legislation and policies to provide support such as the following:

Educational reform: Expand 3D printing-related curricula at government-funded colleges, universities, and vocational schools.

Research and development: Increase public investments in 3D printing R&D programs with immediate government applications and thereby speed application in the private sector.

Incentives: Encourage private investment in 3D printing through tax breaks and grants tied to reshoring manufacturing jobs.

Intellectual Property: Establish clear “rules of the road” for IP and data security to mitigate risks of investing in this cutting-edge technology.

Read more at this link: http://thehill.com/opinion/technology/359672-3-d-printings-economic-benefits-are-too-big-to-ignore

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