House Appropriations Committee Releases FY 2021 Appropriations Bills and Holds Series of Markups

House Appropriations Committee Releases FY 2021 Appropriations Bills and Holds Series of Markups

Last week, the House Appropriations Committee held markups for a series of Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 appropriations bills, including Commerce, Justice, and Science; Energy and Water Development; and Defense; among others. The FY 21 draft Energy and Water bill would invest a total of $49.6 billion, which is $1.26 billion (3%) above FY 20 enacted levels. The Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) bill would invest a total of $71.473 billion, a reduction of $1.7 billion below the FY 20 enacted levels, a decrease which reflects the completion of the 2020 Decennial Census. The Defense spending bill would provide $694.6 billion in discretionary spending, which includes $104.6 billion for Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E).
Commerce, Science, and Justice
The CJS bill includes $1.04 billion in funding for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), including $153 million for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program, which is an increase of $7 million above the FY 20 enacted levels. The bill also includes $8.55 billion for the National Science Foundation (NSF), an increase of $270 million above the FY 20 enacted levels and $806.9 million above the President’s budget request.  These funds are meant to foster innovation and U.S. economic competitiveness, including funding for research on artificial intelligence, quantum information science, advanced manufacturing, physics, mathematics, cybersecurity, neuroscience, and STEM education.
Energy and Water
The Energy and Water bill addresses climate change, offers provisions to improve infrastructure, and works to strengthening national security through investments in energy innovations. The bill would provide a $58 million increase to DOE energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts for a total of $2.85 billion in fiscal 2021, and the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy (ARPA-E) would increase by $10 million.
The Defense bill’s $104.3 billion for RDT&E invests in basic and applied scientific research, development, test and evaluation of new technologies and equipment, and supports the research community’s efforts to innovate advance systems and equipment.
All 12 spending bills must pass the House and Senate and then be conferenced to reconcile any differences before being sent to the President. The Senate has not yet scheduled markups for its spending bills.
To view a recording of each individual markup, please visit: (Note: the markup of the Defense bill was not recorded as it was a closed meeting due to national security.)

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