Government Accountability Office Launches New Center for Strategic Foresight

Government Accountability Office Launches New Center for Strategic Foresight

The Government Accountability Office recently announced the launch of its new Center for Strategic Foresight. The Center was created to help the federal government identify, monitor and analyze emerging issues of import.

“At GAO, we’re committed to thinking strategically about the future in order to meet Congress’ evolving information needs,” said Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States and the head of GAO, who opened today’s conference. “The Center for Strategic Foresight helps to keep us agile by encouraging creative and critical thinking on the latest trends facing government and society. Our goal is to stay focused on Congress’ top policy priorities and to help prepare policymakers for future challenges.”

The Center has nine non-resident fellows that serve as experts in foresight, planning and futures studies. Their backgrounds range from academia, the private sector, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.

“The expert contributions from the Center’s Fellows and activities like this conference are vital to our mission,” said James-Christian Blockwood, Managing Director for Strategic Planning and External Liaison, who helped establish and oversees the Center. “The Center represents an important step forward in GAO’s efforts to serve Congress and the American people by enhancing our ability to provide forward-looking analyses.”

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