EPA Appoints Allison Crimmins to Direct National Climate Assessment

EPA Appoints Allison Crimmins to Direct National Climate Assessment

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has chosen Allison Crimmins, an environmental scientist who has served at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for almost ten years, to direct the fifth National Climate Assessment. She has participated in previous assessments and has a long history in researching climate issues.


The Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5) will analyze the impacts of global change in the United States. There will be multiple opportunities during the assessment for public participation.


The assessment will cover trends in the overall global climate as well as in specific regions in the United States. With regards to the U.S. specifically, the assessment will cover an array of topics, including water, energy, transportation, human health, built environment, agriculture, economics, and human social systems, among others.


NCA5 kicked off in February 2020 when a Federal steering committee was established. By the end of 2021, report authors will have been selected and an interagency review of chapter outlines will have been conducted. Then in 2022, calls for public engagement and editor nominations will be reviewed before the release of the first draft in Spring 2022. The final publication is expected to be completed in the Fall of 2023.


For more information, please visit: https://www.globalchange.gov/nca5.

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