DOE’s Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Advisory Committee Holds Public Meeting on December 5

DOE’s Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Advisory Committee Holds Public Meeting on December 5

The Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced there will be a public meeting for the Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Federal Advisory Committee (ASRAC) to discuss how ASRAC can assist the Appliance and Equipment Standards Program. The Program was initially authorized to develop, revise, and implement minimum energy efficiency standards by the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) in 1975. Subsequent legislative amendments have required regular updates to amend these standards and expanded the list of products subject to standards.

Open meetings are held to engage stakeholders to update rules and standards to better serve the program’s mission and to ensure that manufacturers of covered products do not suffer unfair regulatory burdens. The meeting will be held on December 5, 2019 from 10AM-4PM in Washington, DC and will broadcast as a webinar for public viewing.

The appliance and equipment standards program helps consumers make informed decisions when selecting products in order to save energy and money. The program issues regulations for appliance and equipment standards and test procedures, and for implementation, certification, and enforcement.  DOE is currently required to periodically review standards and test procedures for more than 60 products, representing about 90% of home energy use, 60% of commercial building energy use, and 30% of industrial energy use. The Program’s core components include the following activities:

  • Developing and updating test procedures to ensure they remain technologically relevant and provide manufacturers with a level playing field and a platform to bring to market new product innovations.
  • Establishing national minimum energy efficiency standards based on DOE’s prescribed test procedures.
  • Enforcing the energy conservation standard.
  • Supporting the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) EnergyGuide labeling program with test procedure calculations, which leads to reliable, product performance data for consumers.
  • Developing test procedures and conducting verification testing for the ENERGY STAR program, in coordination with EPA.

Register for the webinar.

Additionally, a transcript of the public meeting will be posted on DOE's website after the event and can be found at:

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