ASME Joins 100+ Leading Organizations in Sending Letter to the White House Urging Leadership in STEM Education

ASME Joins 100+ Leading Organizations in Sending Letter to the White House Urging Leadership in STEM Education

On Friday, March 12, ASME joined members of the STEM Education Coalition in sending a letter to the White House outlining opportunities for the President to send a signal that STEM learning is critically important to the nation. The letter was signed by 100+ leading national, state, and local organizations, including multi-national companies, science and engineering societies, universities, afterschool programs, trade schools, and others devoted to advancing STEM education. The letter encourages the White House to take up specific activities that support an equitable education system that broadens participation in STEM to all communities of learners and enables them to compete successfully for in-demand jobs. For the full list of specific recommendations, read the full letter sent to the White House.
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