ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference

On July 16-20, 2017, ASME will host the 51st annual Pressure Vessel and Piping (PVP) Conference in Waikoloa, HI. The conference is the premier international technical forum for participants to further their knowledge-base both from industry and academia in a variety of topics related to pressure vessel and piping technologies for the power and process industries.

In addition, several standards development activities will be occurring during the conference

  • Planned session covering updates to ASME standards such as the 2017 edition of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
  • Planned paper and panel sessions celebrating 20 years of ASME Section VIII Division 3, along with input from industry experts and highlights of major revisions to the 2017 edition
  • Committee meeting of Section VIII Division 3, Subgroup on High Pressure Vessels (SG-HPV), during the conference (registration to the conference not needed to attend SG-HPV committee meetings)

For more information on the Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, contact Ryan Crane (+1.212.591.7004).

For more information on Section VIII Division 3, Subgroup on High Pressure Vessels activities, contact Adam Maslowski (+1.212.591.8017).

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