Greenhouse Gas Emissions

ASME has played a leading global role in measurement and standard setting for more than 140 years. We also continuously use those same skills to improve ourselves for the good of humanity.

Emissions Reduction
ASME's Emissions Reduction Journey


In pursuit of our position on climate action, ASME has committed to measuring, reporting, and reducing over time all scopes of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

We believe others will benefit from this window into our emissions-reduction journey and we are committed to shared learning from the solutions we deploy.

ASME follows a tailored data collection framework aligned to the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard which provides requirements and guidance for companies and other organizations preparing a GHG emissions inventory.

How It Was Accomplished

Guided by our volunteer-driven Committee on Sustainability (CoS) and supported by our staff-led Sustainability Steering Committee (SSC), our emissions were rigorously measured and analyzed by a highly credible third-party sustainability consultancy, OnePointFive.

Data was collected from five office locations in the U.S. and China, where ASME has operational control of our emissions.
Comparison of ASME's Electricity Consumption
ASME's Scope 1 and Scope 2 Emissions Results
ASME’s purchased electricity, a Scope 2 emission, is significantly lower than tenants utilizing similar office spaces in the four U.S. markets where ASME has leased facilities and limited direct control of our emissions.*

*Local benchmark data was only available for US office locations


Key Insights

Next Steps

Scope 3 Measurement
Our next steps include measurement of our Scope 3 emissions and establishment of a complete baseline. Scope 3 emissions are expected to greatly exceed all of our other emissions.
Analysis & Target-Setting
We will then establish overall reductions goals and report our results; when complete, this would make ASME a leader among major engineering societies in efforts to measure and report the full breadth of GHG emissions.

Continue to Employ Best-Practice
In tandem with Scope 3 accounting and analysis, ASME will continue to utilize industry best practice from to proactively address likely emission hotspots. Including:
  • Office consumption and waste
  • Corporate travel – limiting unnecessary travel and encouraging more sustainable options
  • Events – including conferences and meetings, from venue selection to catering
Refrigeration: Scope 1 opportunity

Refrigeration: Scope 1 opportunity

ASME’s single source of Scope 1 emissions, i.e. direct emissions from our controlled facilities, are fugitive emissions of refrigerant gasses released over time from air-conditioning units (NYC).
Efficient Operations

Efficient Operations

ASME’s office operations are already relatively efficient. Our largest source of emissions, electricity consumption, falls well below the local average (16.18 kWh/sq. ft. in NYC) for other commercial spaces in our markets.

Spring 2024

Fall 2024

Winter 2024


  • Scopes 1 & 2 measurement complete
  • Scope 3 measurement commenced
  • Best-practice deployment (ongoing through 2025+)
  • Significant progress on Scope 3 measurement and overall baseline
  • Finalized analysis
  • Net-zero strategy development
  • Certification of results
  • Target ratification and reporting on all three scopes of emissions
  • Continuous annual measurement and emissions-reduction reporting

What We’ve Accomplished

We have completed measurement of our Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions, which sets a benchmark for comparison to our peers and for measuring our future progress.


Scope 1 Emissions

Scope 2 Emissions

Scope 3 Emissions

Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, such as fuel combustion or the fugitive emissions of refrigerants.
Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, heating, and cooling consumed by the measuring entity.
Indirect emissions that occur in our value chain, including both upstream and downstream emissions. For ASME, this will include travel and all aspects of event production and logistics.

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