How (Exactly) to Highlight Your Future-Ready Soft Skills When Job Searching

How (Exactly) to Highlight Your Future-Ready Soft Skills When Job Searching

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You’ve learned to swiftly adapt in the face of rapidly changing requirements? You’re a confident communicator, even when talking to stakeholders far outside engineering? You thrill at the chance of collaborating and problem-solving with colleagues across other disciplines? Great! Now let’s help you show off those much-sought-after-skills, so you can stand out to employers. Soft skills, like collaboration, adaptivity, and communication, are often the most distinguishing factor between job applicants. But planning to talk about them at the interview stage may be too late.

To get the most out of this workbook, you can print it out and grab a pen or simply settle in at the computer. With a few thought-provoking prompts and some clear guidance to implement, you’ll be ready to tweak your application materials in all the right ways.

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