Guide to Conference Publications
ASME Conference Publications
The demand to publish new research is such that it continues to raise the stature of conferences as the first venue for presentation and publication. Keeping this always in mind, ASME’s primary commitment continues to be the integrity and quality of conference proceedings publishing.
ASME sponsors between 25-30 research conferences per year and publishes the papers presented as individual proceedings totaling approximately 7,000 papers. Conference topics encompass the entire spectrum of subject areas of interest to mechanical engineers and associated disciplines.
ASME Conference Proceedings are available in print and also in digital format through the ASME Digital Collection. The Collection currently hosts more than 100,000 papers from 2002 to the current year, with a selection of other papers that range back to the 1950s. ASME’s driving goal is to publish the entire collection of ASME legacy proceedings content.
Current Offerings

ASME's Online Product Catalog
For a complete list of ASME conference proceedings currently available in print, search ASME's Online Product Catalog.

ASME Digital Collection
Individuals and institutions can access proceedings and/or individual papers through subscription or pay-per-view document delivery.
Submission Review and Acceptance
The ASME Conferences and Events calendar contains a listing of all currently scheduled conferences by date. Individual sites contain submission and programming schedule information.
Author Guidelines
Instructions for authors containing general information, requirements, guidelines, applicable tools, and necessary forms to assist the user in writing, formatting, and submitting a technical paper for ASME conference publication.
Copyright Guidelines
Copyright Guidelines include information about ASMEs General Copyright Guidelines, the Electronic Copyright Process, and Terms and Conditions.
Publishing Information