Deadline Extended for Special Journal Issue

April 21, 2017

The guest editors of an upcoming special issue of the ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering have extended the deadline for authors who are interested in submitting a paper for publication. The new deadline to submit a manuscript for the special journal issue — covering topics related to enhanced process-machine interaction through design, tooling, automation, and modeling — is now May 1.

The special issue, which is scheduled to be published in February 2018, will focus on research in areas including computer-assisted cutting tool and die-mold design and analysis; machine tools and metal forming presses; high-speed spindles; high-performance feed drive and computer numerical control (CNC) systems; CNC tool-path generation; virtual manufacturing; active control of machine tool vibrations; machine tool metrology, surface metrology and tolerancing principles; diamond turning, fast tool servos, ultra-precision machining, and machine tools; and in-situ measurement of force, temperature, residual stress, vibration, part dimensions, and tool wear.

Papers should be submitted electronically by May 1 through the ASME Journals Digital Submission Site at When they reach the Paper Submittal Page, authors should select “Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering” and then select the special issue “Enhanced Process-Machine Interaction Through Design, Tooling, Automation, and Modeling.”

For more information on this special issue of the ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, visit

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