Things to Remember
Allow Enough Time!

Deadline dates: March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1
Approximately two months must be allowed between the date on which a completed proposal is sent to the FellowsDepartment and the date on which the initiator receives official notification of the candidate's elevation to the grade of Fellow.
Avoid Unnecessary Delay!

Make sure the proposal is in order by using the "Check list"before you click on the "Send Nomination" button on the on-line nomination page.Incomplete proposals will be held pending for consideration at the subsequent review session.
Plan For Presentation!

Take advantage of publicity possibilities (local news, publications of the profession, etc.).
Choose the most opportune meeting at which to make the presentation and arrange for presentation by the most appropriate professional associate of the candidate.
Be sure that the audience knows: 1) the high distinction of the ASME Fellow grade and; 2) the outstanding accomplishments of the recipient. (Refer to the brief description, found on the third page of the sample Fellow Form).