Join ENGIE’s Michael Webber for Keynote at Turbo Expo 2021

Join ENGIE’s Michael Webber for Keynote at Turbo Expo 2021

ASME’s Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo Expo) will take place June 7-11. Turbo Expo is the only virtual event that provides a full spectrum of research and industry knowledge-sharing to truly confirm the latest market trends, technical developments, challenges, and future state of the turbomachinery industry – on an international level. Register now for the virtual event.
Dr. Michael E. Webber will join Turbo Expo as the keynote speaker to discuss the key role turbomachinery can play for our decarbonized future. This five-day virtual event will also include three plenary sessions with experts from NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, GE Aviation, Siemens Energy, Mitsubishi Power Americas, and more. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with every speaker during live Q&As after each session.
Turbo Expo has enhanced its virtual event experience by creating more networking opportunities for attendees. The 24-hour event platform allows attendees to organize their own roundtable discussions with other peers and participants at the event around the clock. To further facilitate networking efforts, attendees will be able to see who is present in each session and can look up any of the authors on the event platform. All conference papers will be available on the virtual platform for each session and every presentation will be available on-demand one week prior to the event start date, giving attendees time to review the videos and be more prepared for the event.
Register now for Turbo Expo, the only event of its kind to offer the top networking opportunities with turbomachinery experts from around the world. Get a global look at the entire turbomachinery industry—from R&D through industry application—and gain insight on proven techniques and innovative technologies in design, manufacturing and testing processes of the power and propulsion industry. Check out the full program on the event website to learn more about what more this event has to offer and who else will be presenting.

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