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David Riha

Principal Engineer, Southwest Research Institute

David Riha, is a Principal Engineer in the Mechanical Engineering Division at Southwest Research Institute.  His technical expertise and interests are concentrated in the area of predicting the probabilistic response and reliability of engineered systems using advanced probabilistic and uncertainty methodologies.  Since 1991, he has developed probabilistic methods and software tools including the NESSUS® probabilistic analysis software. 
Mr. Riha provides consulting for applied reliability problems, model verification and validation, and uncertainty quantification to various industry and government agencies in areas such as aerospace, automotive, biomechanics, geomechanics, and weapon systems.  He also develops and presents training in the area of probabilistic analysis and design methods, uncertainty quantification, and approaches for model verification and validation. He has taught over 60 courses since 1991.  He has a B.S in aerospace engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and M.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas at San Antonio.

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